From Marshall to Maui 1024 1024 Upslope Brewing Upslope Brewing Healing Together

The devastating fires in Maui have deeply resonated with the community affected by the Marshall Fire. In a spirit of solidarity and connection, we would like to bring these communities back together in support of a cause that resonates so close to our community.
Join us for a community event, “From Marshall to Maui”, at Upslope Brewing Company’s Flatiron Park back lot on Thursday, September 7th from 5-9 pm. This is a donation-based, volunteer-driven initiative, emphasizing the strength of human connection during challenging times. For a $25 ticket, all of which will be donated to fire relief efforts, attendees will enjoy a meal and an Upslope pint. Tickets are not required for Marshall Fire survivors to join.
Let us stand united—supporting, sharing, and caring for one another. Together, we demonstrate that compassion knows no bounds, and that from Marshall to Maui, we are indeed all in this together.
All tickets include a Hawaiian-inspired meal made by local chefs and an Upslope craft beer or Spiked Snowmelt (N/A options will be available). Tickets will be sold at the link below for $25. Additional opportunities to donate will be available. All tickets and donations collected during the event will be directly channeled to Maui via the Global Empowerment Mission, aiding relief efforts for the Maui community.
We will have local band Acoustic Ambush performing from 5:30-8:30 pm, enhancing the sense of togetherness.
Additionally, “From Marshall to Maui” postcards will be on site for those who wish to send a personalized message those affected. All of the cards will be sent to Maui Brewing Company in Kihei, Hawaii where they will be distributed throughout the community.
The idea of “From Marshall to Maui” began over a beer at Upslope. Upslope founder Matt Cutter, Tap Room General Manager Chad Pieper and Events Coordinator MacKenna Valdez were chatting with Brewers Association Executive Chef Adam Dulye about how the devastation of the Maui Fires felt like the Marshall Fire that impacted our community less than two years ago. Adam is a Marshall Fire survivor, and Upslope was one of the first businesses that joined in with support, donations and resources.
This meeting was on Wednesday, August 16th and we gave ourselves two days to see if we could get the infrastructure set. From fences to food, toilets to bands and ice to tables, every company we contacted was immediately in. The response was overwhelming and put us on course to make this happen as fast as we could.